Παρασκευή 6 Μαρτίου 2015

Eyebrow Piercing

Definition: This can be a piercing anywhere along the brow line on either side. It can be vertical (the most common) or horizontal.
Brow piercings do have a habit of migrating if they're not pierced deeply enough or the jewelry is too thin or heavy. They can be irritated by eyebrow hairs, so plucking the hairs closest to the entry points of the jewelry can be very helpful, especially if you're experiencing swelling or tenderness in a healed piercing. Don't use waxes or any other hair removers while you're healing your piercing.

Recommended Starter Jewelry: 16-12 gauge captive bead ring (CBR) or mini curved barbell. The soft tissue of the eyebrow swells quite a bit at first, so your piercer should pierce you initially with a larger piece of jewelry to accommodate that swelling.(CBRs are the most popular starter jewelry choice for this reason) Many shops include smaller replacement jewelry in the price of the initial piercing, so after about 6 weeks you can have them change it out for you at no additional charge. Make sure you understand exactly what you're getting when you get your piercing and what the shop's policies are.


After the piercing is completed, the healing process takes a minimum of six weeks to eight weeks for the wound to close properly around the piercing, and it may be six months to a year before the jewellery can be removed for any length of time without the hole closing. It is common for an eyebrow piercing to produce a sticky white discharge or a crust around the jewellery during the healing process. Complications, when reported, are usually fixed with a short-term round of antibiotics. A light bruise is common, due to the high amount of capillaries in the eyebrow and the proximity to the surface of the skin. Sudden pain in the area of the piercing could be a potential sign of infection, and should be checked by a professional immediately.


A piercing of underneath the eye is known as an anti-eyebrow piercing. A horizontal piercing of the eyebrow is known as a horizontal eyebrow piercing.

Extra Facts:
1. It doesn't matter which eyebrow you pierce. The location of the piercing does not indicate one sexual orientation over another. It's just personal preference.

2. Hairdressers have an uncanny knack for combing over brow piercings. It's a good idea to cover it with a bandage to protect it while having you're hair done.

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